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ESG is at the forefront of everyone's minds. But in a market beset with mixed messages, it can be hard for IFAs to know exactly where (or even if) ESG connects with client objectives.
■ What is ESG?
■ How is it different?
■ Where is it useful financially?
■ How do I communicate it to clients effectively?
We explore these questions and others using real life case studies to highlight the commercial and financial impact of ESG - helping you put client interests in centre-focus.
■ Where does ESG intersect with client objectives?
■ How can I make sense of conflicting ESG ratings?
■ How do I safeguard client interests against greenwashing?
We use real life case studies to tackle all these questions and more, explaining the value of ESG from both a commercial and investment perspective.

Bridging the gap between Finance
and real-world Sustainability
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